My Girl is testing out another new word she learned ie "give chance"
MG: Mummy is very sleepy. Eyes cannot open already. Why don't you read by yourself a little bit longer and then rest when you're tired? (I usually ask her to "rest" instead of "sleep" or she would protest)
My Girl: Ok mummy. I give you chance to sleep.
Later at night, I overheard this.
Mr MG: (Oops! Cannot remember what exactly Mr MG was saying to her but her reply below)
My Girl: Ok daddy. I give you chance to play with your computer.
Come to think of it, I think she learned the word from me in the following past scenario.
MG: You better keep give baby back his toy now! I give you chance. I won't take out the stick (cane) yet.
Lol! I wonder what else she will give me a chance to do today. Hehehe.
After I blogged about this, I heard her using the new word again with her kong kong (grandpa)
Kong Kong: You can snatch the toy from baby but you cannot snatch it from me!
My Girl: Kong Kong, I give you chance. I give you chance to play with the toy, I play with other toys. (Lol! Smart. Retreat when she knows she can't win that fight.)
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