Eye Level Malaysia

Monday, August 14, 2006

Broken Record

I have two broken records in the house.

Baby has recently discovered the magic word "want". So all day long, when he sees either a toy or some food which he likes, he would go "I want" "I want" "I want"..........just like a broken record.

And then there's his sister. His sister is getting to be rather emotional, going around often with pleas and tears. All day long she would go around in this pleading in this sequence.....

  • "mummy please play with me" / "mummy I want to play with ....... afterwards" / "mummy I want some ribena....afterwards" (If she starts her "mummy I want some ribena" baby will start his "I want" I want" I want" too thats for sure.)
  • "mummy please say okay. Ok mummy? Mummy please? please mummy please, please say okay? pleeease? Say okay....... mummy? mummy?!"
  • "afterwards mummy" "No, not later/tomorrow/tonight", "Afterwards!" "Say okay, mummy, please say ok?" "mummy? mummy?!" tailing me as she keeps repeating her pleas.

Then she starts to cry if she doesn't get what she wants or if I reprimand her for whining, she'll then go....

  • "mummy, say happy, happy, happy" (which will start her baby brother saying "happy happy happy" too while he tries to smile at me)
  • "mummy please say happy, happy, happy. Ok mummy? Mummy please? please mummy please, please say happy, happy. happy? pleeease? Say happy, happy, happy....... mummy? mummy?!"

And no, I can't just give her a grudging or grumpy "Happy". It has to be a "Happy, happy, happy" (3x "happy" with a smile). And if I show an angry or displeased face, she'll then start begging for a hug. Thats my broken record No. 2.

Aiyoh! I tell you. It really drives me up the wall sometimes. I'm beggining to sound like a broken record myself now. "Eeeeaayea, you two can't you stop fighting?!" "Go play by yourself for a while, mummy has got things to do." "No, you can't play with this now, its late. We'll play with it tomorrow." (Which will lead to another round of begging for "afterwards" instead of "tonight", "tomorrow", or "later". "No, you can't have ribena now, Its time for milk........" etc.

When Mr MG gets back from work most days, he is greeted by 3 broken records or the above scene. Nice or not? Really don't know what to do about this!

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