Blurblur asked me to share some of my girl's aunty traits. So here it is:
My Girl: Mummy, that is not a parking place! Why those people so naughty one? Simply, simply park!
MG: Yah lor. Because their mummies didn't teach them loh. Thats why.
My Girl: Mummy, they should park in those parking bays there!
Now, don't you just hate it when you live in a place where you have to share common facilities and other common areas and then you come across people who don't know where parking bays are, where the ashtray is, where the rubbish bins are and worse still, where their own toilets are?
Parking indiscriminately like the road was built by their grandfathers seem to be a very common practise. However, not knowing where the parking bay is can't beat those that don't know where the rubbish bins are.
I have come across neighbours who leave their trash at their front door for all to smell simply because they cannot stand the smell of their own trash but are too lazy to carry the trash to the proper designated rubbish bins. If you can't stand the smell of your own trash, is it nice for you to put it at your front door for your neighbours to whiff in your smelly rubbish and especially if you just had durians?
Then there are those who throw trash straight out their windows like the whole world is a big rubbish bin! Or those who try to stuff their big bags of rubbish into the small rubbish cans meant for small tissues and other stuff instead of carrying it a few steps further to the proper big bins.
There are also those who think the elevator is a big tong sampah (rubbish bin) and throw their food and other stuff there.
Once, I even came across a neighbour peeing near an ashtray near the elevator. *Pukes* And his house was only a few more steps away. I am at a loss for words on what to say for that!
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