Heard this from my girl during naptime....
My Girl: Mummy, last time daddy beat with hand but now the balloon pop already, the stick can beat people.
When my girl was younger, she was fascinated with balloons. She was so enthralled and thrilled by them. Being eager first time parents, we often queued up at the malls to receive free balloons just so we could look at her delighted face. Not only did we queue up, we would actually look out to see which promoter was giving out free balloons and try to make our way there. I think this was our first stage of parenting.
We have since moved on to the second stage of parenting. Now, when we see free balloons, we avoid them like the plaque. We try not to walk in front of a promoter who is handing out free balloons to the kids. If we happen to pass one, we shake our heads vigorously indicating no! Those annoying balloons just gets into everyone's face when the kids do not carry them well and afterwards we don't know what to do with them. Even the balloon stick has been turned into a disciplining cane!
I wonder what is in store for us in the next stage of parenting.
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