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Tuesday, March 06, 2007

About the birds and the bees

I had this funny conversation with my girl recently....

My Girl: Mummy, why did you marry daddy?

MG: Because I love him.

My Girl: Mummy, you must not run run run. You must be careful. Afterwards fall down.

MG: Why?

My Girl: Because got me and baby inside your stomach.

MG: Haha. No, I did not run around. I walked carefully when I had you.

My Girl: Did you wear high heels?

MG: No, I didn't. I made sure I walked around carefully but there was one time when I fell down but it was ok. See, there's still a mark. *points to my knee*

My Girl: Ok

Lol! She knows that people get married and have babies but I'll leave it till later to explain to her how babies are made. Hahaha.

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