Before Your 2015 UPSR Exams

Now that you are done with your last minute revision for B.M and Maths, you should be more than ready and full of confidence to face you fear. This is what you should do for the rest of the week until your exam is over. Once again, these are merely suggestions based on my experience, and hence your discretion is appreciated.
8th September 2015

At School
1. Wake up early. Take your breakfast. Stay calm.
2. Reach school at least ½ hour early.
3. Avoid doing crash-revision as 30 minutes is not enough for you to even skim through all your short notes. So, use this time to relax and be mentally prepared. Think about how you plan to utilize the given exam time efficiently.
4. Avoid discussing anything with your friends. You need to be as composed and collected as possible in order to perform well in the exam hall.
5. Go to washroom.
6. Double confirm that you have brought all the necessary stationary with you, especially the EXAM SLIP.
7. Go for your exam and answer all the questions confidently. Do not miss any question. If you do not know the answer, do not waste your time on that question. Instead mark it as unanswered and move on to the next question. Once you are done, don’t forget to go back to the question you could not answer earlier and solve it.
8. Try to finish answering all the questions at least 10 minutes before the end time. Use this time to re-check your answers. Make sure your have written all your particulars correctly on the answer sheet and get ready to submit your paper.
9. Once you done for the day, go home happily. Do not think about the past exam again. You need energy to prepare for the next day.
At Home
1. Take your lunch.
2. Rest for ½ hour.
3. Start revising your short notes for Wednesday’s exam.
4. For those who are not taking Bahasa Cina or Bahasa Tamil, you are lucky. You now have 1 full extra day to revise your English and Science.
5. Use your time wisely. Do your flash card quizzes. Go through all your previous worksheets or model exam papers. Look at how you have answered them and how they are supposed to be answered.
6. Again, you should always make sure you are well-hydrated and have regular breaks between studies. Now that you are quite familiar with your role after coming back from exam, the next two days will be the same. So, manage your time well and lead your life.
All the best.
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