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Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Angry Baby

Baby loves to merajuk (sulk). Raise your voice at him a little and his lower lip comes out about half an inch. Raise your voice louder and he may do any of these things:
  • run away to the corner of the room/to another room
  • turn his face away from you
  • lower lips starts to quiver
  • lie down on the floor!
  • use his hands to beat the air/the person he is angry at and say "map" (I think it means "mad". He learned this from his sister. Sometimes when they are playing, I can hear them shouting angrily at each other "Map! Map")

Another thing that makes him sulk is his attire. He is picky about what he wears and often chooses only the nicest shoes for his feet (no slippers will do) and you can never make him wear things he wears at home for going out. He can differentiate his going out outfits from his home wear.

Actually, I just love to look at his face when he sulks (he has a very cute pout and oh boy can he pout!) but then I cannot allow him to get away with it. When he sulks usually Mr MG and I will secretly smile behind his back while we scold him for it outwardly.

Sometimes after he has finished merajuk (when his anger has subsided), he will then run to me, call "mummy" in the sweetest voice coated with sugar and honey, put his face right in front of mine and grin or smile broadly (till his eyes becomes small slits and I can see little wrinkles at the bridge of his nose) to try to coax me into smiling at him in return. He always does that when he knows that I am angry at him. Yup! Those kids are experts at emotional blackmail.

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