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Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Leaf Art

As part of my girl's lessons, I have decided to make Friday "Arts and Crafts" day.

And so on Friday morning, we went for a "nature walk" to pick leaves of various sizes and textures. Then we came home, painted the leaves (vein side up), flipped them over and pressed the imprint onto white art paper and voila we have pretty colourful leaf art. Great fun!

When we grew tired of using watercolors, we put the white art paper on top of the leaves, used crayons to colour over them and like magic, the outline of the leaves appeared on our paper. We also did the crayon trick with coins. A very simple craft indeed with lovely results.

Leaf craft ideas sourced from here.

Here's our artwork for the day:

My Leaf Artwork

My Girl's Leaf Artwork

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